Medical Narration

Medical Background – The Go To Guy For Clinical Voiceover

There’s a good reason why I say this. I have the unique perspective of being both an experienced VoiceOver artist and having a high level of clinical literacy, with a 30 year medical background.

Please allow me to indulge with a short bio to establish my credentials: 

I served in the Defence Medical Services for 30 years as a Commando Medic, with career hi-lights including: The coordination of 906 emergency response missions in Afghanistan over 6 months, leading the first medical team on the ground following a hurricane tsunami in Nicaragua, running village clinics in Zimbabwe and leading a team of clinical staff  in an abandoned Kurdish hospital. 

Free Script Voice Test Available

I'll be more than happy to narrate something bespoke so you can trial my voice for your script

Why A Professional Medical Narrator ?

With medical narration there’s a tendency to focus on the need for clinical literacy. Its understandable and entirely correct of course, but if you want listeners to truly engage then it’s worth hiring a professional to do the narration, edit and mix the audio, as well as synchronising it to screen. You’ll see from my broad range of services and styles, that I’m experienced in a delivering engaging content.

Like all specialist processes, it’s time consuming and requires experience, which is why Critical Care Departments, Secondary Healthcare Hospital Marketing Teams and Primary Care Groups reach out to me for help.

I’ve worked with Surgeons, Anaesthetists and Critical Care Nurses to develop Clinical Training Videos, CPD presentations for Medical Seminars and Conferences, delivered business cases for new initiatives and brought clinical case studies to life. 

I’ve worked with Foundation Trusts to narrate Mandatory Training Videos, internal briefings ahead of CQC Inspections, Patient Information Videos and Medical Explainer content, including Non Clinical training videos, Falls Awareness and Complaints Management.

James Fowler voiceover headshot.
Black and white square photo of James Fowler voiceover.
Photo of James Fowler voiceover in a James Bond spotlight style.

Clinical Training

Whether a training video for Continuous Professional Development, or a Medical Lecture at a conference or seminar, the approach I take is to be clear, accurate and authentic. The voice has to be sufficiently fluent in the subject matter to be credible and able to adapt to both the level of the audience and its size. 

Mandatory Training

Mandatory Training videos are ubiquitous across all areas of Primary and Secondary Healthcare and Community Healthcare. It’s an area that spans multiple industries these days, with common themes such as Fire & Electrical Safety, as well as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 

One factor common to all industries is that the content really needs to be compelling, as staff engagement can be a challenge. Here’s where an experienced narrator is really useful.

My experience in Healthcare allows me to deliver narration with authenticity for Health Specific Mandatory Training, such as; Falls Awareness, Infection Prevention & Control, Moving & Handling, Safeguarding and Information Governance.

Patient Information Videos

A patient information video, such as where I explain what to expect from your Open Posterior Spinal Fusion procedure, requires a mix of both formality and compassion. A patient wants to be reassured by a knowledgable and confident tone, with the emotional band-width to accommodate their concerns.

The Corporate Medical Voiceover

Its important to be able to flex between different styles of narration for Medical Voiceover. As a former Deputy Operations Director in a large NHS Trust, I’m familiar with the tone of the room and the corporate style needed to make a business case sing.

Let’s not forget the Trust Annual Awards Ceremony. Why not create something unique and memorable to open this years’ awards event.

Marketing for Healthcare

The ‘Welcome to our Hospital’ message is often served by a local voice and this can add authenticity to the content. 

It’s worth keeping in mind though, the trade off between a ‘real’ and a polished, professional production.

What tends to work best is a combination of the two, where a professional voice sets the scene before introducing Mary from D3.

Let Me Help Deliver Your Medical Content

I’m confident in my ability to adapt my style of narration to the needs of the audience and I’ll be happy to provide you with a free sample read of your script; just reach out and I’ll be happy to help.

James Fowler voiceover headshot.

Contact James

You can reach me directly at the link below, where I’ll be happy to discuss anything from potential projects to how I work. You can also see my FAQ page here