I like to reflect on how my work takes me into interesting areas, offers insights and creates opportunities to share experiences. It’s not the world according to me, just some musings on topics that may be helpful to others.
All Work and No Play Leads To Burn-out Do you have a guilty pleasure ? Well if you do, then maybe the time to indulge it is when it feels like your eyes are square
Before I was a Voiceover Artist, not too long ago but long enough that facsimile was still a thing, I had a career in healthcare. Over 30 years I developed an ease of clinical literacy
The noise around AI is relentless. There’s lots of fear, lots of scepticism and plenty of discussion in communities that feel under threat. Let’s take Voiceover as an example, my industry. Assumptions keep being smashed,
All Businesses – Universal Truths As a VoiceOver Artist, Freelancer, Independent business owner, or whatever hat I’m wearing today, two big concepts span this and my former careers: 1. The importance of great communication. 2.
It’s quite a challenge to write about authenticity without constantly tripping over yourself in the process and asking, “does this sound authentic?” I guess that’s the point I’m trying to make in this blog. I’m
In October 2019 I gave notice at work and committed 100% to my freelance voice artist career. I’d been doing it part time for years, plugging every spare second that wasn’t already committed to married
I remember the day I decided take the plunge, quit feeling like a zombie at the office and go all out to build a career as a voice artist.
Some professionals, looking to hire voiceover talent are very familiar with that environment. They understand the complexities of creating of an audio product and how market rates are set. That’s the world maybe of a
There’s a company in Dnipro, Ukraine that’s been sorting out my ham-fisted I.T problems with audiobook narration on a daily basis, even though there’s a war on! That company is ‘SOLVVE’. They are the brains